01702 844 145 info@wisiscreen.co.uk

The Requirement

Belmond is a global brand synonymous with the highest levels of quality and service.  A sophisticated adventure travel operator delivering luxury experiences throughout the world.

To promote its famous British Pullman train at London’s Victoria Station, from where it starts its idyllic journey through the English countryside, Belmond turned to the mobile WiSI screen to provide a sleek, versatile, high quality digital customer information solution.  It was also paramount that Belmond could control the screen’s content at both its departure lounge at Victoria, as well as from its head office, located across town.

So as not to impact on the luxury surroundings of the departure lounge yet maximise the effectiveness of the screen to its passengers when required, it was crucial that WiSI could be moved to different locations within the lounge and with minimal effort.

Belmond were also seeking an eye-catching customer information solution that could be viewed through the lounge’s glass doors during times when it was not in use and completely unmanned.  This would present the opportunity to promote and inform passers-by of Belmond’s luxury experiences

The Solution

With its super bright, high definition screen, WiSI emphasises and highlights the high quality content of Belmond’s digital marketing and promotional material.

Its small footprint, along with the ease with which it can be moved, make it simple to place in an unobtrusive location within the lounge yet, when required, it can be quickly placed in a highly effective position to relay customer information.

Being completely mobile and wireless, the screen can also easily be moved outside of the lounge where the information it displays is even more far reaching. Similarly, when the lounge is not in use the WiSI can be effortlessly placed behind the lounge’s glass doors informing potential customers that are passing through a busy Victoria Station.

With the click of a few buttons on the in-lounge PC, the WiSI screen can be updated instantly with high quality digital posters or video content.  In exactly the same way, when the lounge is closed and unmanned, the content shown on the screen can be controlled and updated remotely from their head office.

Hours to fully charge

hours run time (min)


Mobile & Wireless

Complete system

Why WiSI Worked

Mobile & Wireless

WiSI can quickly and easily be placed in the most effective position / location, making the displayed information more difficult to miss.


Simple delivery, meant the solution could be literally wheeled in and turned on, even at a grade 1 listed heritage site.

Time Efficient

The WiSI system is so quick and simple to use and to learn. Leaving more time for staff to improve their customers’ experience.